Katy, TX 77449

Nail Clipping

If nail clipping isn't your specialty. Let us help.
Call to Schedule today!


If you've found your self in a situation where you can no longer care for your Sugar Glider we can help!

Toy Making

Looking for a specific toy for your Sugar Glider? Message us and we will put something together for you!


If you've got questions or need a mentor. Give us a call!
Welcome to Houston Gliders

Our Services

At Houston Gliders, we provide specialized care for your sugar gliders. Our expert knowledge and commitment to these unique animals make us the go-to resource for glider owners. Our services include sugar glider grooming and behavioral consultations. We prioritize the comfort and happiness of your beloved pets, and we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations.

Sugar Glider Grooming

Our grooming services are personalized to your sugar glider's needs. We offer ear cleaning, claw trimming, and bathing to keep their coats shiny and healthy.

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Behavioral Consultations

We offer personalized consultations to address your sugar glider's behavioral concerns. Whether it's introducing a new cage mate or curbing bad habits, our experts are here to help.

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